Call for Papers: Symposium on Origami-Based Engineering Design Skip to main content

Call for Papers: Symposium on Origami-Based Engineering Design

As part of the 37th ASME Mechanisms & Robotics Conference at the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, the Symposium on Origami-Based Engineering Design is calling for papers that explore the use of origami practices in engineering.

Origami shows great promise for providing insight and inspiration for future discoveries and new applications. The Symposium on Origami-Based Engineering Design has been created to provide a venue for researchers to present their work, interact with other researchers in the field, and discuss future trends and needs. The symposium is expected to consist of technical presentations by authors of accepted papers, talks and panel discussion by researchers and program managers (e.g. NSF/AFOSR ODESSEI program), and opportunities for informal discussions and networking.

As a leading forum for a broad set of engineering design topics, the ASME IDETC is an ideal venue for bringing together researchers from various backgrounds. Submissions are invited from all disciplines interested in origami-based and origami-inspired engineering design. Topics include but are not limited to origami modeling (e.g. mathematics, computational simulation, kinematics), origami design methods (e.g. tree method, compliant mechanism, tensegrity structures), enabling materials (e.g. active polymer materials, laminates, bistable structures/mechanisms), tessellations (e.g modeling, manufacturing, design case studies), and origami-inspired applications (e.g. automotive, space, structures, biomedical).

Submission Instructions

Authors will first submit abstracts, followed by full-length papers that will be peer reviewed. Formatting instructions are available at Abstracts and papers are submitted to the ASME IDETC website at From the conference homepage, select “Submit Paper” and create an author account as instructed. In the “Select Conference” drop-down menu, select “37th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR)”, and choose “Origami-Based Engineering Design” from the “Select Topic” drop-down menu, then follow the instructions for paper submission.

Publication Schedule

The paper submission deadlines governed by the IDETC organizers and the following deadlines are set:

Submission of Abstracts .................................................. January 7, 2013

Submission of Full-Length Paper for Review ................... January 21, 2013

Notification of Acceptance Decision ................................ March 18 2013

Submission of Final Paper ................................................ April 22, 2013

Download PDF Call for Papers

A PDF file of the Call for Papers can be downloaded by clicking here.