The following is a list of technical publications authored by CMR research staff. If the "Read more and download" link does not work, we do not have a link to the publication at this time.
20 results are shown per page (sorted by date). Use the search bar to narrow results.*
Many of the technical publications authored by the CMR researchers can be found on the Google Scholar profiles of the faculty:
Larry L. Howell
Spencer P. Magleby
Brian D. Jensen
Denise M. Halverson
Design and Testing of a Precision Coupling for Origami-based Arrays
Roubicek, C., Klocke, P., Wing, D., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L., Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol 206, paper 105936,
Modeling and Analysis of Inter-Panel Slipping for the Design of Rolled Gossamer Arrays
Coleman, N., Sutton, J., Running, I., Magleby, S., Howell, L.L., ASME Journal of Mechanisms & Robotics, Vol. 17, 044505-1 to 044505-8,
Compliant Stepped-Beam Analysis for Deployable Space Structures with Flexible Panels
Skinner, M., Geyser, A., Sargent, B., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L., ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, D.C., Aug. 25-28, 2024, IDETC2024-142798.
The Interior Contact-Aided Rolling Element (I-Core)
Orr, D., Jensen, A., Peterson, T., Bischoff, B., Taylor, L., Velasco, D., Fullwood, D., Howell, L.L., Bowden, A., ASME Journal of Mechanisms & Robotics, Vol. 17, 044501-1 to 044501-8,
Origami Folding Pattern Development for Gossamer Structures
Running, I., Wright, C., Lang, R.J., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 285, 109780,
Characterization of Magnetically Stabilized Hinges for Origami-Inspired Mechanisms
Pruett, H.T., Klocke, P., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., Royal Society Philosophical Transactions A, 382: 20240008,
The Surrogate Fold Catalog: A Design Tool for Origami-Inspired Mechanical Systems
Running, I, Ramsdell, P., Wright, C., Magleby, S., Howell, L.L., Proceedings of the 2024 6th International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR), Chicago, IL., Jun 23-26, 2024,
Methodology for Designing and Improving Novel Kirigami Patterns using the Hamiltonian Circuit Framework
Coleman, N., Magleby, S.P., Halverson, D., You, Z., Howell, L.L., Proceedings of the 2024 6th International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR), Chicago, IL., Jun 23-26, 2024,
Expanding Research Impact through Engaging the Maker Community and Collaborating with Digital Content Creators
Sheffield, J.L., Parkinson, B., Bascom, A., Bateman, T., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L., “Expanding Research Impact through Engaging the Maker Community and Collaborating with Digital Content Creators,” PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0302449,
Ultra-compact Orthoplanar Spring via Euler-spiral Flexures
Sutton, J., Ynchausti, C., Dahl, K., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L., Jensen, B.D., Machines, Vol. 12, No. 4, 273;
The KIHM-9: A Self-Deploying Picosat Holographic Metasurface Antenna Array Design
Coleman, N., Skinner, M., Ynchausti, C., Biswas, A., Zekios, C.L., Georgakopoulas, S.V., Magleby, S., Howell, LL., Aerospace Research Central,
Leveraging Compliance to Design a Minimally Invasive, Expandable Interbody Cage Capable of Customized Anatomical Fit for Spinal Fusion Surgery
Orr, D.J., Payne, C., Jones, H., Anderson, J., Sperry, A., Sargent, B., Frankel, B.M., Howell, L.L., Bowden, A.E., Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 18, No. 1, 011001-(8 pages),
Embedded Linear-Motion Developable Mechanisms on Cylindrical Developable Surfaces
Sheffield, J.L., Sargent, B., and Howell, L.L., Journal of Mechanisms & Robotics, Vol. 16, 015001-1 to 015001-11,
Mechanical Actuation via Resorbable Materials
Parkinson, B., Sargent, B., Roubicek, C., Magleby, S., Garcia, V., Howell, L., Robotica, 1-15,
Asymmetric Zipper-Coupled Tubes and Smooth Sheet Attachments in the Design of Deployable Space-Filling Mechanisms
Webb, D.C., Reynolds, E., Halverson, D.M., Howell, L.L., Journal of Mechanisms & Robotics, Vol. 16, 011004-1 to 011004-9,
An Aggregate Sternal Force-Deflection Model
Sargent, B., Bolanos, D., Garcia, V., Howell, L.L., Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 145, pp. 111009-1 to 111009-8, DOI: 10.1115/1.4063148
A Deployable Volume-Efficient Miura-Ori Reflectarray Antenna for Small Satellite Applications
Rubio, A.J., Kaddour, A.S., Pruett, H., Magleby, S., Howell, L.L., Georgakopoulos, S.V., IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 119313-119329, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3327057,
Extending Research Impact by Sharing Maker Information
Howell, L.L., and Bateman, T., Nature Communications, 14, article 6170,
Applying Origami-Based Design Approaches to Foldable Furniture for Children
Parkinson, B., Skinner, M., Halverson, D., Bateman, T., M, Magleby, S., Howell, L., ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, Aug. 20-23, 2023, IDETC2023-114790, 2023.
Preliminary Design of a Deployable Optical Space Array Based on a Thickened Origami Flasher Pattern
Hunter, J., Roubicek, C., Stephen, M., Magleby, S., Howell, L., ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, Aug. 20-23, 2023, IDETC2023-116803, 2023.
A Framework for Origami Flasher Pattern Optimization to Mitigate Rigid-Foldability Issues
Varela, K., Coleman, N., Skinner, M, Magleby, S., Howell, L., ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, Aug. 20-23, 2023, IDETC2023-116542, 2023.
Modeling of the Chest Wall Response to Prolonged Bracing in Pectus Carinatum
Sargent, B., Varela, K., Eggett, D., McKenna, E., Bates, C., Brown, R., Garcia, V., Howell, L., PLOS ONE, Vol. 18, No. 8, e0288941,
Adjustable, Radii-Controlled Embedded Lamina (RadiCEL) Hinges for Folding of Thick Origami-Adapted Systems
Ynchausti, C., Shirley, S., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L., Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 187 paper 105361,
Laser Forming of Compliant Mechanisms
Ames, D.C., Smith, G.L., Lazarus, N., Howell, L.L., and Magleby, S.P., ASME Open Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, 021018-1 to 021018-9
Changes in the Mechanical Performance of an Ortho-planar Spring After Aging Tests
Santos, L.F.L., d’Almeida, J.R.M., Howell, L.L.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
2023 | January
Zero-Curvature Deformation Properties and 3R Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model of Large-Deflection Euler Spiral Beams
Jin, M. Ynchuasti, C., Howell, L.L.
Mechanism and Machine Theory
2023 | January
Effects of Panel Misalignment in a Deployable Origami-based Optical Array
Roubicek, C., Gao, G., Li, H., Stephen, M., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.
ASME Open Journal of Engineering
2023 | January
Thickness Accommodation for the Flasher Origami Deployable Array
Varela, K., Oliveira, L., Sargent, B., Howell, L., Magleby, S.
2023 | January
Selecting and Optimizing Origami Flasher Pattern Configurations for Finite-Thickness Deployable Space Arrays
Bolanos, D., Varela, K., Sargent, B., Stephen, M.A., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
Journal of Mechanical Design
2022 | November
Hexagonal Twist Origami Pattern for Deployable Space Arrays
Ynchausti, C., Roubicek, C., Erickson, J., Sargent, B., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L.
ASME Open Journal of Engineering
2022 | September
Optimizing Geometry and EM Performance to Design Volume-Efficient Miura-Ori for Reflectarray Antennas
Pruett, H.T., Kaddour, A-S., Georgakopoulos, S.V., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
Extreme Mechanics Letters
2022 | October
An Ultra-Wideband Origami Microwave Absorber
Biswas, A., Zekios, C.L., Ynchausti, C., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Georgakopoulos, S.V.
Scientific Reports
2022 | August
Miura-ori Inspired Smooth Sheet Attachments for Zipper-coupled Tubes
Webb, D.C., Reynolds, E., Halverson , D.M., Howell, L.L.
2022 | July
Approaches for Minimizing Joints in Single-Degree of Freedom Origami-Based Mechanisms
Brown, N.C., Ynchausti, C., Lytle, A., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
Journal of Mechanical Design
2022 | June
Considering Thickness-Accommodation, Nesting, Grounding and Deployment in Design of Miura-ori Based Space Arrays
Bolanos, D., Ynchausti, C., Brown, N., Pruett, H., Hunter, J., Clark, B., Bateman, T., Howell, L.L., and Magleby, S.P.
Mechanism and Machine Theory
2022 | May
Origami-inspired Systems that Improve Adult Diaper Performance to Enhance User Dignity
Brown, N.C., Pruett, H.T., Bolanos, D.S., Jackson, C., Beatson, B., Magleby, S.P., and Howell, L.L.
Wearable Technologies
2022 | May
The Mixed-Body Model: A Method for Predicting Large Deflections in Stepped Cantilever Beams
Sargent, B.S., Ynchausti, C.R., Nelson, T.G., and Howell, L.L.
ASME Journal of Mechanisms & Robotics
2022 | August
Laminar Emergent Flexural Fold Joints Planar Compliant Mechanisms with Large-Angle Near-Revolute Motion
Lang, R.J., Howell, L.L.
Extreme Mechanics Letters
2022 | April
Applications of Origami Principles in Deployable Childcare Furniture
Ames, D., Jones, J., Mittelman, A., Halverson, D., Bateman, T., Magleby, S., Howell, L.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17, 2022
2022 | November
Embedded Linear-Motion Developable Mechanisms on Cylindrical Developable Surfaces
Sheffield, J.L., Sargent, B., and Howell, L.L.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17, 2022
2022 | November
Techniques for Designing Stable Flat-Foldable Wood Furniture
Parkinson, B., Ames, D., Andrews, D., Morgan, D., Bateman, T., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.,
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17, 2022
2022 | November
Dual-Purpose Lenticular Locking Hinges for Actuation and Stiffening of Deployable Origami Arrays
Brown, N., Varela, K., Ynchausti, C. Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
2022 | November
Accommodating Irregular Panel Profiles and Thicknesses in LET Joint Arrays
Smith, S., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
2022 | November
Deployable Space-Filling Mechanisms: Asymmetric Zipper-Coupled Tubes and Smooth Sheet Attachments
Webb, D.C., Reynolds, E., Halverson, D.M., Howell, L.L.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17, 2022
2022 | November
Using Compliant Implants to Reduce Post-Operative Pain in Pectus Excavatum Correction
Roubicek, C., Sargent, B., Howell, L.L., Garcia, V.
ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, Aug. 14-17, 2022
2022 | November
Volume-Efficient Miura-Ori Reflectarray Antenna for SmallSat Applications
Rubio, A.J., Kaddour, A.S., Pruett, H.T., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Georgakopoulos, S.V.
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/URSI)
2022 | September
Multifunctional and Deployable Origami Antennas
Georgakopoulos, S.V., Kaddour, A.S, Zekios, C., Ynchausti, C., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
IEEE: 3rd URSI Atlantic and Asia Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC)
2022 | July
A Novel Miura-Ori Origami Reflectarray Antenna for CubeSat Applications
Velez, C.A., Kaddour, A-S., Georgakopoulos, S.V., Ynchausti, C., Magleby, S., and Howell, L.L.
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI)
2022 | February
Limits of Extramobile and Intramobile Motion of Cylindrical Developable Mechanisms,
Butler, J., Greenwood, J., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
2021 | February
Deployable Euler Spiral Connectors
Ynchausti, C., Brown, N., Magleby, S.P., Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
2021 | September
A Foldable Reflectarray on a Hexagonal Twist Origami Structure
Rubio, A.J., Kaddour, A.S., Ynchausti, C., Magleby, S., Howell, L.L., and Georgakopoulos, S.V.
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
2021 | November
Origami Antennas
Georgakopoulos, S.V., Zekios, C.L., Kaddour, A.S., Hamza, M., Biswas, A., Clark, B., Ynchausti, C., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Lang, R.J.
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation
2021 | October
Bistability in Cylindrical Developable Mechanisms Through the Principle of Reflection
Butler, J., Greenwood, J., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P.
Journal of Mechanical Design
2021 | February
An Energy-Based Framework for Nonlinear Kinetostatic Modeling of Compliant Mechanisms Utilizing Beam Flexures
Chen, G., Ma, F., Bai, R., Zhu, W., Magleby, S.P., Howell, L.L.
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
2021 | May
Methods for Mapping Mechanisms to Developable Surfaces
Hyatt, L.P., Greenwood, J.R., Butler, J.J., Magleby, S.P. and Howell, L.L.
International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems
2021 | May
Hinges and Curved Lamina Emergent Torsional Joints in Cylindrical Developable Mechanisms
Seymour, K., Bilancia, P., Magleby, S., Howell, L.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
2021 | March
Deployable Convex Generalized Cylindrical Surfaces Using Torsional Joints
Nelson, T.G., Pinto, L.M.B., Bruton, J.T., Deng, Z., Nelson, C.G., Howell, L.L.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
2021 | March
Analysis of the Rigid Motion of a Developable Conical Mechanism
Woodland, M., Hsiung, M., Matheson, E., Safsten, A., Greenwood, J., Halverson, D.M., Howell, L.L.
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic
2021 | March
The Mixed-Body Model: A Method for Predicting Large Deflections in Stepped Cantilever Beams
Sargent, B.S., Ynchausti, C.R., Nelson, T.G., and Howell, L.L.
ASME. IDETC-CIE2021, Volume 8A: 45th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR)
2021 | November
Deployable and Reconfigurable Miura-Ori Reflectarray for Mission-Flexible Satellite Applications
Velez, C.A., Kaddour, A-S., Ynchausti, C., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S., and Georgakopoulos, S.V.
2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
2021 | July
Reconfigurable and Deployable Miura-Ori RA Analysis for Satellite Applications
Velez, C., Kaddour, A.S., Georgakopoulos, S., Bolanos, D.,S., Ynchausti, C., Magleby, S., Howell, L.
2021 IEEE 21st Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference
2021 | June
A Physically Reconfigurable Origami Reflectarray Based on the Augmented Square Twist Pattern
Rubio, A.J., Kaddour, A.S., Brown, N., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S., and Georgakopoulos, S.
2021 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS)
2021 | MAY
Origami Robots
Sargent, B., Howell, L.L.
Encyclopedia of Robotics
2021 | March
A Deployable Hexagonal Reflectarray Antenna for Space Applications
Rubio, A. J., Kaddour, A. S., Georgakopoulos, S. V., Ynchausti, C., Magleby, S., & Howell, L. L.
IEEE 2021 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM)
2021 | February